Halloween parties are fun because they step out of the every day with costumes and wildly themed food. But you don’t have to do the usual jack-o-lantern and bobbing for apples bit when you throw a Halloween Party–you can do something unique like throw a tea party…for witches! For the fall 2014 issue of Yum! Food and Fun for Kids Magazine, we threw a Little Witches Tea Party full of spooky fun. And the best part? It was thrown on a budget.
All our little witches gathered around the table set with DIY tiered servers. They were about $4 each, and were made from glasses we painted and plates from the dollar store. Two servers in the middle of the table do double duty–they’re great centerpieces, and it removes the need to set out an elaborately decorated buffet at the party. Our witches really loved all the eye-level and at-hand’s-reach treats!
Since this party was done with budget in mind, I mostly used things I had on hand for decorating. I turned black yarn into pom-poms, made a quick paper “spooky” banner, created tulle tie backs, stitched together some ruffled paper napkins, and used dollar bin wrapping paper to decorate. Even if I had to purchase every item, this party would still be an inexpensive venture!
Another benefit to the tiered servers was that we were able to make just enough food for everyone and there wasn’t any waste after with all the individual servings we created. Score one for the party budget!
Most of our tea party goodies were on the healthy side–little fruit cups were made spooky by popping in a couple of candy eyeballs, olive spiders topped garden pinwheels, and Halloween orange carrots stood like little trees in a swamp of ranch dressing. That’s not to say we didn’t have some sweets! We stuffed cupcakes with green ectoplasmic goo (a.k.a. colored vanilla pudding) for the girls as a party finale.
We also served up a classic lime party punch. The punchbowl was dropped into a plastic witch cauldron, and the lime sherbert/sprite combination put up a nice foam that made it extra witchy. Had our group been a bit older, a couple plastic eyeballs would have been perfect swimming in this punch!
After a fun game of wrap the mummy (teams race to wrap their “mummy” in toilet paper!) we said farewell to our witchy friends. It was a great time, and a great twist on Halloween for them all! See the rest of the article, recipes and tutorials for this party in the Yum! Food and Fun for Kids Fall 2014 issue.
Birthday Party Ideas Unique and Fun + HM #245 - Life With Lorelai
Friday 9th of August 2019
[…] Little Witch’s Tea Party on a Budget from Paula @ Frog Prince Paperie […]
Halloween Party Inspiration - Spooky Little Halloween
Friday 25th of January 2019
[…] Witch tea parties are one of the most popular party ideas I see on a regular basis. I threw my own take on this in 2015, just after starting Spooky Little Halloween. Witch’s teas are an easy way to blend spooky and stunning together, like in this party from Frog Prince Paperie. Get inspired. […]
Candace Jedrowicz
Friday 23rd of March 2018
I followed the link from Spooky Little Halloween and it is so worth it! Your party is pure eye candy!
Paula Biggs
Saturday 24th of March 2018
Aw, thank you so much!
Thursday 13th of October 2016
What an adorable fun party! I love it all. This would be a great party for me to do for my grandgirls and their close friends. Pinning this for the future. Visiting from Thoughts of Home today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Sandra Garth
Wednesday 12th of October 2016
Everything from the chair decor to the ruffled napkins is perfect! I love that you sat out just enough treats so there weren't tons of leftovers. That's a lesson I need to learn.