Part of the fun of having lived in a house for almost a year and only having decorated one room is that you have LOTS of wall space to play with when you have a party! I really enjoyed creating some “party art” that might have been seen in the bear house. I started with the bear silhouettes behind the dessert table–right after I went to Goodwill and found a few like-sized frames and spray painted them brown! I think more than anything else these family-type pictures of the bears made it feel cottagey and cozy like were at the bear house.
Obviously, there was no love lost between Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Ashley Roggenbuck, the other Frog Prince designer created this “Wanted” poster that we put on the front door for guests to see as they entered and set the Goldilocks tone in an obvious way.
This “too hot, too cold, just right” painting I had an idea for in my head, but it cemented when I saw something similar in an Etsy shop that I can not remember at the moment. (If someone knows what art piece I am talking about–let me know and I’ll give credit!!) I painted the canvas with the paint left over from the bead board and designed the bowls and glued them on temporarily. If you wanted to do something like this permanently, you’d need to modge podge the entire canvas, place on your papers, and then modge podge over those for staying power.
I created a similar piece of art using chair clip art in an 11×17 that I just printed off and framed.
The last piece of “art” I made for the party was the updating of my IKEA frame. I you don’t have one of these frames…you should!! They are incredibly diverse, and I think this one has been spray painted 6 or 7 times so far! For the center, I just used some fabric that coordinated with the party that collectively made the frame give a strong pop of color to the party!
If you’re just joining me, you can see part I of the Goldilocks party here, and part II here. Tomorrow, how I kept 10 two year olds busy for two hours without tantrums!
Sharon Bankhead
Thursday 24th of July 2014
Love this precious party. Could you PLEASE tell me where you found silhouette of the three bears.
Thank you for sharing your idea. Sharon
Saturday 2nd of August 2014
They were designed for this party - you can contact me at paula (at) frogprincepaperie (dot) com if you are interested in purchasing them!
Andrea Tablescape
Saturday 19th of March 2011
You were featured on Tablescape Times Three today! :) -Andrea
Ashleigh Dorfman, CSEP of posh parties, LLC
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
I love your comment about the blank walls! Mine are the same way ... a blank canvas =)
Vicki Murray
Tuesday 15th of March 2011
Paula~ is there a detail that you didn't think of?! Wow!!
Tuesday 15th of March 2011
Found the bowl print :)