It is officially baby shower season! Next to birthdays, showers are my favorite kind of parties to throw. And I was lucky enough to get some great pictures from Missy who had this firetruck set designed just for the baby shower she was holding! I love all the little details she was able to incorporate.
The spotted plates she found are so perfect for the party. And instead of buying pre-printed cups, she chose a solid color and used the 2 inch circles to make stickers to personalize them.
And I am a huge fan of wrapped vases! How perfect for a feminine touch to a boyish party. Thank you again, Missy, for sharing your photos!
You can find the printables seen here in the shop!
Brittney Hines
Sunday 14th of September 2014
Hi, I was wondering how you made the brick wall or where you bought it from? Thank you!!
Sunday 12th of January 2014
Is there anyway to order the fire truck baby shower stickers, it's not letting me?
Saturday 3rd of August 2013
Where (or how was it made) did you buy the BRICK backdrop? THANKS! :)
Tuesday 6th of August 2013
This was a client party, so not sure exactly what her specifics were, but I do know you can find rolls of paper that are pre-printed with a brick pattern. You can google and find it in all likelihood!
Giselle Santander-Elizalde
Monday 18th of February 2013
Can someone please send me info on how I can order the buckets that are holding the roses. Thanks
Meagan Hurl
Tuesday 12th of June 2012
i am wondering about how to order the plate sets for the fire fighter theme for a baby shower. red plate with polka dotted plate. i went into the shop area and didnt see a thing
Wednesday 21st of November 2012
I am trying to order the Fire Truck baby shower stickers, however the website it's not giving me the option.