Among Us Valentines are going to be the “it” cards kids are handing out this year. To help YOU be the coolest mom or dad on the block, I whipped up a few Among Us free printable Valentines that you can use as the base for classroom Valentine handouts this year.
This online game has really gone viral. The “crewmates” all run around looking for the “imposter” that is on a rampage offing the crewmates. While you’re trying to out the imposter, you have to complete tasks that are mini games within the game. It’s all very cartoon-y and cute. And comes with a jargon all its own that we as parents have to figure out…which of course, makes the kids love it all the more.
Build a better Among Us Valentine
What do I mean when I say base? I mean I’ve made them with some room to attach stuff to them.
For instance, add two slits to the top and botton and you have yourself an Among Us Valentine that can hold a pencil.
Or, feed the sugar bugs and put in a lollipop.
You could also glue a candy heart to the front.
OR, wrap the Among Us Valentine around a box of conversation hearts.
Both my pre-teen and teenager grinned when they saw these and asked for sets for their friends for passing around on Valentines day. Which I take as a huge gold star seal of approval, as my kids don’t seem to like anything since they hit their teens, ha!
Print these to plain white cardstock and cut out along the black lines. I don’t really think they need envelopes, but you can fold them in half and tape (or sticker) them closed if you’d like.
Want more free printable Valentine choices? Check out my list of over 75 here.