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Minecraft Trunk or Treat Ideas for Halloween Decorating Fun

Minecraft Trunk or Treat Ideas for Halloween Decorating Fun

The Making of the Minecraft Trunk

The first monster I made was this GIANT Creeper. It’s taller than I am. Creepers in the Minecraft game sneak up on you and then blow up; the kids were disappointed I didn’t build an explosion into this one (spoiled children). They were positive I could do it. I saved boxes for weeks in preparation for building all these things, and the hardest was getting four boxes the same size for the feet of the Creeper. The Creeper body part was a box we cut to make slimmer–but maybe you’ll get lucky and find one just the right size!

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Beware of the Creepers!

Using some spray adhesive (buy it here, affiliate link) and green craft paper (buy it here), I just spray glued a side of the box at a time and wrapped up the boxes like they were giant gifts! Not going to lie, this is going to take awhile to do and for the big boxes you’re better off having a second set of hands to help you out. Paper was better than spray paint building these. First, less mess, and second, the paper will absolutely cover any markings on the box, where with paint you can’t be so sure.

The Creeper head was a large box. I cut the face out of black paper, and added a few pixels in different shades of green to finish the Minecraft Creeper look.

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Boxes and wrapping paper make for easy decor.

After a bit, I faced facts, and there was just no way I was ordering enough large stuff for six big identical boxes to come my way. If you’re the I-don’t-step-out-of-the-house-to-shop types (we are soul sisters), you can find 18″ boxes here to buy. Otherwise, I’d recommend a trip to Home Depot or Office Depot to pick some up. Office Depot happened to have ours on special for $1 the day we showed up, otherwise expect to pay up to $2.50 per box.

Making these boxes wasn’t hard, just took time. Again, wrap them all up like packages with red craft paper (buy it here) and orange craft paper (buy it here) then add your details. You can find red and green paper in Office Depot and Hobby Lobby if you don’t order it.

For the TNT box, you can download these 18″ printable labels to put across the fronts of your boxes because I love helping my readers’ craft habits. Just FYI, the file is set up for a 13×19 sheet of paper. I just got a new Canon iX6820 printer after my Epson 1400 died to handle jobs this size and I love it!

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Love these glowing square pumpkins.

I’ll put up a tutorial on the pumpkins soon, but my favorite part of them was that I lit them like jack-o-lanterns so they glow in the dark! I took the lights from my bicycle (buy them here) because they’re much brighter than battery candles and tossed them in the pumpkins. My lights even have a strobe option, so the effect was super cool and very very visible.

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Lots of pixelated fun.

Another project that got a glow in the dark treatment? The giant Enderman. Endermen are these creatures in Minecraft that go around and steal your stuff. I think they look really spooky and not in a gross way like the Minecraft zombies or skeletons the kids said were my other creature option.

I used black wrapping paper I had on hand to make this guy, but wish I had hunted down craft paper…my Enderman is shiny and I didn’t love that. The arms and legs were made from foam core pieces I glued together, and then I threaded everything on a PVC pole sunk in cement. The cement PVC pole has seen many parties…it was the mast for a How to Train Your Dragon party, part of a movie screen, and a Puff the Magic Dragon boat mast. It’s a good prop to have hanging out in your garage!

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Life-sized Enderman with glowing eyes? YES!

I used another bike light – purple this time – to make the eyes glow on the Enderman. I didn’t have purple, so I picked up a purple bike light on Amazon (buy it here). And after trunk or treat, it will go on my bike! (Safety first!)

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Build your own Creeper!

I like to cover up the back of my trunk for trunk or treat, so I used a science fair board that was already green (score!) and glued on black paper to make a creeper face. It nestled perfectly into the open door of my small SUV. On a visit to Oriental Trading, I found a whole bunch of Halloween trunk or treat supplies, and a sheet of plastic printed to look like a stone wall. It was perfect for tying the whole Minecraft set together and hiding the pole and bucket for the Enderman.

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans!

One thing we always ALWAYS do for our trunks is dress up. When you’re doing a theme party or trunk, you are absolutely a walking decoration. My brother and I usually man the trunk while the kids run around, but for these pictures, I drafted them into costume service.

You can buy Steve, the main character, as a head pre-made (buy it here), but sometimes I’m just cheap and would rather spend a few minutes doing a DIY. I found printables to make your own Steve head here, and blew up the file a bit to print on my 13×19 printer so the head would be a little larger on top of a body like it is in the game. Use some pretty heavy-weight paper if you go this route. Throw in a blue shirt, a glowing torch (DIY tutorial soon!) and a pickaxe, and you’re set to be Steve!

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Watch out for the Endermen!

My daughter is an Enderman. Long black sleeves and pants, and a bit of purple eye make up and it’s a good interpretation of the Minecraft critter. Just watch your live Enderman to make sure they don’t take off with your treats.

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Use pick axes as treats for for food-allergy trunk or treaters for an in-theme favor. Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Be sure to remember the food allergy treaters so they can participate, too!

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Be sure to have a giant spider or two!

A visit to Oriental Trading also netted us some really great non-food treats and a teal pumpkin perfect for showing we had toys for food allergy kids. We’ve got a gluten allergy in our house, so I am a little sensitive to kids who have to be careful about what they eat. I’d like all the children to be able to enjoy Halloween, so we participate in the teal pumpkin project every year and give out small toys in addition to candy. You can read more about the teal pumpkin project here.

Be sure to add in a creepy giant spider or two–they’re in all the Minecraft games! This one moves as people go by, so it’s extra fun to have on display.

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! Wrapped rolls stuffed with candy make for great TNT sticks for trunk or treaters. Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! They'll love these TNT treat boxes.

In addition to the non-candy treats, we also had some candy-stuffed TNT sticks. (You can stuff these with toys as well!) There will be a tutorial on how to make these up with the free printable later this week.

Trunk or treat ideas for your Minecraft fans! They'll love it!

Lots of ideas here for an amazing Minecraft trunk or treat display! Use one or use them all for your trunk or treat.

Want even more fabulous Trunk or Treat ideas for Halloween?
Check out the amazing Trunk or Treats created by my blogging

from Frog Prince Paperie
City Morgue
from Everyday Party Magazine

from Fern and Maple Events

from Cupcake Wishes and Birthday Dreams
Big Top Terror
from Michelle’s Party Plan-It
from Hey Girl Events

Paula Biggs

Owner at Frog Prince Paperie
Paula Biggs is a party planner, DIY crafter, and owner of Frog Prince Paperie, where you can find hundreds of party, craft and lifestyle ideas.


Monday 16th of October 2023

I love this! Can you link the items you mentioned you would add? ESPECIALLY how to make the pumpkins, please.

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Tuesday 27th of August 2019

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Wednesday 3rd of October 2018

This is adorable! So cool! Pinned & Sharing! Thank you for sharing on Merry Monday! Hope to see ya next week! Kim

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